Culinary Ministry
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
Praise God in our Service of Fellowship
Deacon Ministry
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
We will be in regular attendance to meetings and planning for the ongoing of the Kingdom of God. I further submit that I will be an active member of the services of the church, a tither of my gifts, and be a positive example to the young men of the church.
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
Praise God in our service of accurate, pro-active stewardship.
Angels of Joy Ministry
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patience in affliction, and faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Romans 12:11-13
The Angels of Joy Ministry is committed to:
- Providing necessary support to the Pastor and his family within the church with encouraging words, prayers, and other actions of love.
- Extending hospitality to visiting ministers, their families, and guests.
- Hosting activities for the Pastor and the First Lady during special days and occasions.
- Assisting the Pastor in fulfilling his goals for the church and community
Monthly meetings are held each 3rd Sunday after Worship Service. The group hosts activities for the Pastor and First Lady during special days and occasions such as: Birthdays, Anniversaries, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Pastor’s Appreciation Day, Annual Conference, etc.
Usher Ministry
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
To perform a real Christian Service while working under the divine orders to promote the Spirit of Fellowship in the House of God. “I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness” Psalms 84:10
Nurse Ministry
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
Our Ministry provides attentive medical first-aid to all who attend worship services. The devil will get busy in a cough, or stomach ache. An excited child bursting with energy may bruise a knee. The diabetic attending services just might need a peppermint, or a weary soul may just need a hug and a shoulder to lean on. We’re here to assist
Women's Ministry
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
Believe in the Ministry
“But Jesus said to the woman” Your faith has saved you; go in Peace” Luke 7:50
Catch the “Vision”
Support the “Vision”
Live the “Vision”
Join Us!
The first Tuesday following the first Sunday of each month 7:00pm – 7:2
Second Saturday of each month 10:00am – 11:00am
Brotherhood Ministry
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
Assist the men at Olivet to discover their calling from God and strive to equip each disciple to fulfill his unique call. To walk shoulder-to-shoulder encouraging each other to demonstrate intimate, trusting relationship with God, their families, and the watching world. To be men of prayer that serves each other and our church. Leading by example in brotherly love and providing role models to the younger brothers.
Short Term Goals:
- Current roster of all male members
- Reinstate monthly Bible study classes
- Reinstate monthly fun times fellowship activities at or away from the church grounds
- Stimulate the involvement of ALL males in the Brotherhood Ministry
- Assist men and boys in interpreting and participating in the work of the church and beyond
Long Term Goals:
- Involvement and fellowship with other Men Ministries within the community
- Establish an Outreach program to assist elder members of the church (grass cutting, visits, phone calls)
- Establish an annual Men’s re-treat
- Community volunteer program – become visible in community activities
Education Ministry - Sunday School Program
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
The Sunday School Ministry is to provide an appropriate place for each individual, to be taught the word of God with developmentally appropriate learning materials and methods. Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting: Weekly Tuesday Night @ 6:30pm
Short Term Goals:
- Develop a method to effectively publicize the Sunday School program to encourage attendance
- Sunday School Attendance Month – For the class with the largest growth in attendance during the month have reception after service on a Sunday just for them
- Place emphasis on the Attendance Banner by class – Recognition in the bulletin weekly
- Sponsor a Saturday Afternoon Sunday School Adult Fun Evening – Group Interactive Bible study games
Long Term Goals:
- Identify class structure and size that best suits the needs of our congregation
- Identify members qualified to teach
- Formulate a Train the Teacher program that enhances the Sunday School literature
OMBC Christian Union Ministry
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
The purpose of this Christian Union is to promote a savings tool that allows members of the church an opportunity to accumulate a lump sum amount, no greater than $250.00, policy which is paid at the time of his or her death to their designated Beneficiary.
Short Term Goals:
- Define the roll of the Christian Union Board members
- Set up guidelines for new membership in the Union
- Provide a complete list of all active members for the church records
Long Term Goals:
- Explore options for investments
- Determine and document procedures for pay out
- Expand the savings options (increase amount)
- Explore the possibility of becoming affiliated with a Federated Credit Union that will provide our members and church family other financial access (personal checking accounts, savings accounts, CD’s, etc.)
Trustee Ministry
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
The Trustee Ministry is dedicated to the spiritual, physical and financial needs of the Church. Our mission is to oversee all transactions that engage the Church. We are to support the Pastoral Ministry and under gird the needs of the Church. Our bodies of believers are comprised of men and women who share a common goal to help uplift the mission of the Church.
Praise and Worship Ministry
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
“Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord, All Ye Lands Psalm 100:1”
The praise and worship ministries primary objective here at Olivet MBC is to glorify God in praise for what He has done and worship Him for who He is; as well as showing it in our actions to do it well.
As a ministry we strive with excellence to always give God the best praise possible. (Psalm 9:14) Our Objective for every Sunday is to bring the congregation into the presence of God and to set the atmosphere for the preaching of the Word of God with the ultimate goal of changing lives to see His Glory. (Romans 12 1-2). We are taught orchestrated and designed to inspire encourage and motivate anyone we are placed before, but most of is not only our responsibility but our enjoyment to express to anyone who is a believer and non believer the reason as to why we praise Him, why we must praise Him and why we continually praise to this day.
All forms of worship are welcomed they be by voice body instrument media or behind the scenes work, all are welcome all are invited to come express themselves in decent and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40). We are always looking forward to YOU coming join us here at Olivet Missionary Baptist Church and jumping into something greater than you!
Choirs & Praise Teams:
Olivet MBC Mass Choir
Male Choir
Youth & Young Adult Choir
Olivet MBC Praise Team
Young Adult Praise Team (Ages 19-29)
Young Adult Ministry – Minister Lucia Guster
Purpose of Ministry & Goals
Ephesians 6:10-18
At the Olivet MBC God has brought up a group of young people between the ages of (19-28) who are willing and ready to serve Him! The main objective as a Young Adult Ministry is to give God all of the Glory by producing fruit through our service, love and dedication for the Ministry of Jesus Christ.
In the Word of God, the Apostle Paul informed us all to put on the full armor of God so that we may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:13)
ith that being said, as a Young Adult Ministry we are reminded to always keep our armor polished for day to day spiritual warfare. As young adults we are constantly attacked, approached and sometimes deceived by the different things that the world has to offer, but through the POWER of the Holy Spirit we are able to fight through the many battles that we are faced with on a day to day basis as young people. We are able to stay spiritually grounded in the Word of God with knowledge and Godly wisdom because of our Young Minister who follows leadership and direction from our Pastor who ultimately follows the guidance of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
One of our primary goals is not only to lead by example but also show other Young Adults around the world that it is ok to serve God and also have a good time in our social lives. Since we are Bible Believing Christians we wholeheartedly believe in true fellowship among others who are believers as well as non-believers. Therefore we always have Young Adult activities such as bowling, going out to eat, Bible Studies and MORE!
Come be a part of a group of Young believers who LOVE God in spite of our current situation!
Youth, Music, Greeters, & Victorious Disciples Ministry
Other Ministries
Youth Ministry- Minister Lucia Guster
Greeters Ministry – Sis. Meagan Lee
Victorious Disciples Ministry – 1st Lady Thomas